
Release Date: November 13, 1940

Watch Date: January 10 – January 12, 2023

“Walt Disney’s timeless masterpiece is a celebration of sight and sound, featuring eight sequences marrying classical music with the most innovative animation of its day. See dancing fairies, fish, flowers, mushrooms and leaves in the ‘Nutcracker Suite’; follow Mickey Mouse in his iconic role as ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’; laugh along with a comic ballet starring hippos, elephants, alligators and ostriches in ‘Dance of the Hours’; and hold on to your seat when the evil Chernabog summons restless souls in ‘Night on Bald Mountain’. Watch the music come to life, hear the pictures burst into song and experience the excitement that is Fantasia.”


    It doesn’t matter how many people tell me that this film is a classic. I can’t. I want to. So badly. But I can’t.

    I’m sure, back in the day, when this first came out in the theatres that could provide it, it was an artistic triumph. I’m sure it elevated the art of film making. I’m sure it breathed new life into classic pieces.

    But for Bob and I, it was a slog. It was long. It was boring. It was racist at points. It didn’t engage us in any way, and, in fact, Bob managed to do work as we watched it. It simply became background noise to him.

    Our kids, however, adored it. Our daughter was enraptured. She fell in love – as she does with all things that contain music.

    So it doesn’t matter, ultimately, what either of us adults felt about this film. What matters is that the Disney magic reached her – and through her – us. And that’s truly what this marathon is all about, to me at least. Finding those moments of Disney magic, for the first time or the fiftieth.

    If you’re a lover of classical music and classic animation, I see no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy this film. Of course, I have always enjoyed both, but an anthology style of films always miss the mark with me. I want a cohesive story, not a collection of shorts. I’m generally the same way in the books I read as well. Maybe it’s just something about my brain chemistry.

    Despite my last several posts, I promise I’m normally much more forgiving of movies. The start of the Disney era is just an incredibly rocky start for me. I think it would be for most people, if you were to watch them all one after another like we are. But we’ll get through it, and get to the high points eventually.

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