Swiss Family Robinson (1940)

Release Date: February 8, 1940

Watch Date: January 15, 2023

“The heroic tale chronicles the courageous exploits of the Robinson family after they are shipwrecked on a deserted island. Using teamwork and ingenuity, they skillfully overcome the obstacles of nature and transform their new home into a ‘civilized’ community. But the ultimate challenge lies ahead when a band of cutthroat pirates threaten to destroy the Robinsons’ makeshift paradise.”


    Ah, a classic black-and-white live action film.

    Honestly, I find this film incredibly charming, even if it doesn’t have the pirates promised by the blurb. It is, as far as I can tell, fairly accurate to the source material. Does this mean we’re gonna get some pretty heavy handed Christian messages? Absolutely.

    Nature is meant to be the main villain, but honestly it’s Mr. Robinson that causes most of the problems the family experiences. He decides to move his family, who are all doing exceedingly well, and perfectly happy – two of whom are adults – to Australia because he decides they’re spoiled. For enjoying the life he worked hard to provide for them. And it’s not like they’re not working. Well…half of them are. One is a bit of a dandy, and one is a baby, so you can’t really fault the toddler. He believes God punishes him for building a boat to rescue his family from the island. He ignores his wife’s every complaint simply because he’s decided he knows better than her.

    Don’t marry a guy like Mr. Robinson.

    I feel for Mrs. Robinson the most. I mean, of course the woman is upset about her newfound situation. She had a comfortable life, dedicated to making sure her four boys grew up happy and well placed in society in order to have successful, productive lives, and that’s all taken from her. Without input or discussion, on her husband’s whim. No one wants to be trapped in a marriage like that.

    Don’t marry a guy like Mr. Robinson.

    Still, despite how much the patriarch of the Robinson clan drives me batty and offends my very feminist sensibilities, I still find this movie pretty enjoyable – in a relaxing sort of way. The message is simple and obvious: Get back to nature, renounce the trappings of modern life. It’s a solid message, but maybe I just think that because I am a person who will go off into nature for a week or two, sit in a cabin without any electronics, read books, and enjoy my surroundings. Most of the characters are tolerable, and I like the relationship between the siblings.

    I don’t like the fact that there are no pirates, like the blurb promised. Don’t lie to me Disney+, I’m working very hard at watching all that you have to offer. Still, I guess you can’t win ’em all.

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