Ford v Ferrari

Release Date: November 15, 2019

Watch Date: January 21 – January 26, 2023

“Matt Damon and Christian Bale star in FORD v FERRARI, based on the true story of visionary American car designer Carroll Shelby and fearless British-born driver Ken Miles, who together build a revolutionary race car for Ford Motor Company and take on the dominating race cars of Enzo Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France in 1966.”


    I grew up loving Formula 1. This movie is not about Formula 1. This movie is about the exhausting Le Mans races, which still go on today, which are still insane. This movie is about two men who tried to help Ford win, despite all the odds. Who were friends, who were passionate about racing, passionate about cars. It is about a man who lived life to the fullest that he could.

    This movie is beautifully told.

    Bale and Damon are phenomenal actors and it shows. The chemistry between them is amazing, and their passion for each other and the cars they’re working on is tangible and contagious. It is a pleasure to watch them work and have fun together. It’s fun to see Shelby interact with Miles’ family, his kids, the mutual respect they have for one another. They’re competitors and friends. They challenge one another. It’s a healthy friendship, and one that I think a lot of men could probably relate to.

    If you don’t like large companies and aren’t impressed the cold callousness of Ford in the modern day, I’m sorry, you’re not going to feel much better after this film. Ferrari doesn’t fare much better, but since they’re shown to want to win Le Mans for the sake of winning, to prove they are the best car and not for some marketing scheme like Ford, I think they actually come off better than the team we’re meant to root for.

    It’s hard to put into words what’s so good about this movie, only that it is, and that if you are remotely a fan of either of these actors, or car racing in any capacity, you should watch this film. This isn’t a movie that I would personally want to re-watch, but Bob is convinced that he would, if given the chance. Unfortunately for him, the marathon marches ever onward, and he won’t get the opportunity for some time.

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