Peter Pan

Release Date: February 5, 1953

Watch Date: February 12, 2023

“Fantastic adventures await Wendy and her brothers when Peter Pan, the hero of their stories, whisks them away to the magical world of Never Land. After following Peter and his feisty sidekick Tinker Bell past the ‘second star to the right and straight on ’til morning,’ they explore the island and Peter’s secret hideout with the rambunctious Lost Boys, and leap into high-flying battles with swashbuckling pirates and the infamous Captain Hook.”


    Bob hates this movie.

    It is so, so racist. Painfully racist. I mean the play was before it. I don’t know if it was a book. It’s almost ridiculously racist. ‘What makes the red man red?’ How is ‘The Song of the South’ a cancelled film but Peter Pan is a classic character who roams around Disney parks without a care in the world? How is that at all possible? Or acceptable, come to think of it?

    I find Peter Pan almost as annoying a character as Pinocchio and I’m not sure why so many people find him so charming. He tortures poor Captain Hook for fun. The Lost Boys? They remember having parents! And maybe they were orphans and Pan rescued them, or possibly Pan kidnapped some new playmates? Considering how he just makes off with Wendy and her brothers, which do you think is more likely?

    Peter Pan is also kind of a fuckboi, let’s be honest. Every female character in this film wants him; the mermaids, Wendy, Tiger Lily, Tinker Bell. We all want a bad boy, I get it, but as I’ve stated earlier the man is not charming. What’s the appeal? I just don’t get it!

    You know who I like? Captain Hook. He is actually intimidating. He’s going crazy because of a fourteen year old boy. The man just wants to get back to being a pirate, but of course he needs to exact his revenge. And who can blame him? He is literally being hunted by the constantly ticking source of his PTSD. I’d be driven to murder as well – especially since we have no idea how long he’s been stuck in Neverland with his tormentor.

    A happy little thought, a wonderful thought, that I have is that my kids will never watch this film before they’re of an age where we can have a conversation about the issues with this film. Another satisfying thought is that I won’t have to watch this film again – something Bob is more than happy about as well.

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