Mrs. Doubtfire

Release Date: November 24, 1993

Watch Date: February 24, 2023

“After Daniel Hillard, an unemployed actor, loses custody of his three children to his ex-wife, he realizes that seeing his kids once a week just isn’t enough. So the crafty thespian dresses as ‘Mrs. Doubtfire,’ an elderly British nanny with a sharp tongue and an endearing way with children, in order to be close to his kids in this bright, heartwarming comedy.”


    This movie means so much to Bob.

    I don’t know if I would be able to accurately convey just how much this means to him. Like ‘WALL-E’, Bob grew up watching this with his late father. It was something they enjoyed spending time doing together, and they shared a love of Robin Williams, and it all became tied up in the emotions of being with his father and became super important to him. I don’t think it’s possible for him to not enjoy a movie with Robin Williams in it.

    I can’t say that I loved this movie as much as Bob does, but I don’t think that anyone could. I do find this movie charming though, I think it’s pleasant and heartwarming at it’s core. I can’t fault the man for how badly he loves and wants access to his children. His ex-wife invades on his personal time with his kids, an amount of time that is already limited. I’m not saying he should have full custody of his children, he doesn’t have a reliable job, and he’s not the most reliable man or father on the planet. I, personally, would not have been able to stay married to the man, his parenting and marriage style would have driven me insane.

    I do like the fact that they don’t force the couple back together. I like that they allow them to move on and live their best lives. It doesn’t paint a false portrait of how divorce can be resolved, it doesn’t teach kids that their parents will magically resolve their problems and can get back together. It gives no false hope. Kids don’t need the parents to get back together for there to be a happy ending.

    Did the mom move on quickly? It feels like it, but we don’t know how long they were separated or how long the divorce process took. Besides, she was clearly over the relationship way before she decided to begin divorce proceedings.

    All in all, I see why people love this film. The idea of your ex-husband tricking himself into the privacy of your home and your personal life is a little bit icky to me, but it’s easy to put that aside and enjoy the pure joy Robin Williams can’t help but exude whenever he’s on screen.

    And I know, from wherever he is, Bob’s father is smiling at him for sharing this important piece of their relationship with someone. I know he looks forward to his son sharing the experience of watching it with his grandchildren. I’m sorry I was never able to meet him, but through experiencing it with Bob, I feel like I know him better, and there’s something special about a movie that can help create a connection like that.

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