Ron's Gone Wrong

Release Date: October 22, 2021

Watch Date: March 27 – March 28, 2023

“20th Century Studios and Locksmith Animation’s ‘Ron’s Gone Wrong’ is the story of Barney, a socially awkward middle-schooler, and Ron, his new walking, talking, digitally connected device, which is supposed to be his ‘best friend out of the box.’ Ron’s hilarious malfunctions – set against the backdrop of the social media age – launch Barney and Ron into an action-packed journey in which boy and robot come to terms with the wonderful messiness of true friendship.”


    Ron has absolutely not gone wrong.

    It feels like it might be my mission in life to spread the gospel of ‘Ron’s Gone Wrong’ because not enough people saw it, not enough people cared about it, or something. Something happened and ‘Ron’s Gone Wrong’ did not get the respect that it deserved, and it’s a tragedy and one that I would love to correct if possible.

    First off, this movie has an extremely important message about technology. How it’s used to track us, not only our locations but our likes and dislikes, and just how risky it is to put all of that information into the hands of one company. How we use it to feel connected to people, but how false those connections often are. How easily people can be bullied on the internet, and made to feel lesser than they are. How ostracized people can feel without the latest tech. These are strong, important messages that need to be shared in our modern era and this movie finds a way of sharing them all really effectively.

    This movie is also adorable and funny. The relationship between Barney and Ron is perfect, it’s Baymax but on a smaller, dumber scale. It’s the robot friend every single kid dreamed of having since they first knew a robot could exist. God, have I said how charming this movie is yet because it’s so charming and funny and I really can’t put it into words but it’s just so good.

    Bob will tell you that the design of the humans, and specifically Barney, is a little bit off. But I don’t particularly care. It’s stylized. Stylized is okay. Stylized is interesting.

    Honestly, this is one of my top movies of all time, and nothing is ever, ever going to change that. Sometimes a movie just speaks to you heart, and this is one of those times. A film that just says everything I’d want it to say, that is just the right level of heartwarming, and hits the perfect level of funny. I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to spoil a single second of this film, but like I said, if you haven’t watched it. Watch it.

    I’m serious. Right now. Don’t even look at the rest of this blog for my opinion on other films until you’ve watched this one. Even if you don’t agree with me by the end. Go watch this film. Really.

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