May-be Learn Some Sh*t Month 2023

The month we’ve all been waiting for is finally here!

    May-Be Learn Some Sh*t 2023

    Bob and I are life long learners, and so, we’re sort of addicted to documentaries. Now, usually they’re about World War II because they say find something you’re passionate about and learn all about it, and if there’s one thing we can both agree on it’s that WWII is not exactly a fun topic, but it is an interesting one.

    The other true thing about us is that we both grew up watching National Geographic documentaries – and now wouldn’t you know it, look what company Disney has conveniently acquired?

    Now, we needed a way to watch National Geographic specials without really compromising the integrity or the spirit of the marathon because these specials and occasionally feature length documentaries, are not really movies. So what do you do? You make a whole month dedicated to watching them, you find a way to shoehorn it into a silly name and you decide that you will rank them completely separately because they’re their own beasts.

    So strap in for a month of forty-fiveish minute documentaries on…I’m going to be honest it’ll eventually be mostly sharks. But it’ll be fun, and you will, maybe, even learn something.

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