Sharks vs Dolphins: Blood Battle

Release Date: August 2020

Watch Date: May 24 – May 25, 2023

“They’ve shared the ocean for millennia, but scientists have only just begun to understand the complex relationship between sharks and dolphins. Sharks vs. Dolphins follows a team of experts as they travel to the epicenter of this savage struggle – Shark Bay, Australia – to unlock the secrets of shark and dolphin combat using new research and cutting-edge technology.”


    Shame on us, really, for expecting Sharks vs Dolphins: Blood Battle, to be anything but an over dramatized documentary made specifically for Shark Week, to pull in viewers in the hopes of maybe educating them. It was Bob’s pick, and I’m not sure if he was genuinely interested in it, or if he just picked the most over the top sounding documentary on the list.

    Either way he was sick of it by the end.

    Honestly, and sadly for the poor scientists being involved in this documentary, no new information is really distributed. Some sharks hunt dolphins, some dolphins hunt sharks. Some dolphins have ways to avoid being killed by sharks, some sharks get eaten by orcas. There’s not a lot you can do once an orca decides it wants to eat you.

    I learned that a lot of tiger sharks live in Shark Bay, which…makes sense. I learned that tiger sharks are a lot bigger than I imagined, just so…so much bigger. I learned that mako sharks are the fastest sharks in the ocean. I learned that if you put cameras on sharks, you’re really running the risk of not getting anything…though I suppose that I knew that already. And I learned if you show the same footage over and over again, over dramatic enough music, you might not be as bothered by a great white shark with a dolphin in it’s mouth by the end of a forty five minute documentary.

    Dolphins and sharks don’t fight. They’re both apex predators, and they take advantage of a situation when they see it. Kind of cool to learn about, if it hadn’t been dramatized to hell, and if the scientists could have actually witnessed it and drawn conclusions from it.

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