So What Did We Learn?

Honestly, maybe it’s because both Bob and myself watch a lot of documentaries for fun, but I think we both didn’t feel that too many of these documentaries were extremely educational or had a lot of new information. But, surely we had to have retained something so, here it goes.

Doc’s New Info:

  • A baby kangaroo is called a peanut
  • Tiger sharks are a lot bigger than I thought
  • Probably no one has had sex on moon rocks
  • The plane that hit the Pentagon went a lot deeper into the building than it looks like from the outside
  • Bulldogs were originally bred to fight bulls
  • The mirror in the Hubble telescope is flawed
  • Drug dealers being interviewed should wear better facial coverings
  • Snow monkeys like to take baths in hot springs
  • The ’92 riots were sparked by the Rodney King trial, I had always believed it was tension between the Asian and African communities
  • To never nickname my child Grublin, and that Jane Goodall had been married
  • That Machu Picchu was made without what we consider ‘proper tools’
  • That the Mafia still works in the modern era
  • I learned that the landing on the Hudson was down to luck and the good instincts of a few people
  • That the most important dog survived 9/11
  • That having a heavy shark population means a healthy coral reef, even if it makes the food chain top heavy
  • How recently Pluto was discovered

Bob’s New Info:

  • That we need to travel to the Pitcairn Islands
  • That sharks and dolphins are fairly evenly matched
  • Many details about the attack on the Pentagon, of which I knew very little about, specifically how much damage was done to the building itself
  • That Italian Mafia, while not as powerful as it’s American counterpart at the time, were extremely brutal in their killings
  • That Machu Picchu was a vacation spot for the king
  • Learned how devastating the ’92 riots were, a lot more about the Rodney King trial, and that racism was involved on every side – which shows general incompetency among the masses.
  • The mirror in the Hubble telescope is flawed – not the extent to which it was messed up
  • That Jane Goodall existed
  • That Machu Picchu was built with primitive tools but was comparable to the buildings being made in Europe and Asia at the time
  • That the Inca worshipped mummified kings and had a place in politics
  • That documentaries should list what people are experts in
  • That snow monkeys can be extremely maternal and empathetic – like the mother who adopted the abandoned baby
  • To empathize with George W. Bush
  • That baby kangaroos are ugly, and what the inside of a kangaroo’s pouch looks like
  • That red kangaroos are better at retaining water
  • Just how scary the landing on the Hudson was for the observers who feared another terrorist attack
  • That Cesar Millan was an immigrant
  • That the name ‘My 9/11’ is not good
  • That stupid people are still able to work for NASA

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