The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride

Release Date: October 27, 1998

Watch Date: June 29 – July 1, 2023

“Experience the power of ‘Upendi’ – which means ‘love’ – as Kiara, Simba’s strong-willed daughter, seeks adventure away from her father’s watchful gaze. Timon and Pumbaa can do only so much to protect her, especially when she encounters an intriguing rival, Kovu, a cub who is being groomed to lead Scar’s pride. As Kiara and Kovu search for their proper places in the great ‘Circle of Life,’ they discover that it may be their destiny to reunite their prides and bring peace to the Pride Lands.”

    Some movies just defy all expectation, defy everyone else’s opinion, and become one of your favourites.

    That is often not the case with Disney’s Straight-To-VHS-Sequels. The animation is often terrible, the songs mediocre, and the plot lackluster. But ‘Simba’s Pride,’ just like it’s predecessor, somehow managed to be something greater than it was meant to be.

    Bob chose this film as our last pick because, well he wanted to try out a Straight-To-VHS-Sequel and he’d decided between two, Pocahontas 2, which makes me sad, and this film, which will always make me incredibly happy. I had a bad day at work, coworkers can be a pain in any office setting, and so he chose this one. It’s the little things that let you know that you are loved.

    The songs are fun and, “He Lives in You”, “Love Will Find A Way”, and “We Are One” have all managed to be come part of the soundtrack of my life for years. The lyrics to “We Are One” were posted on my parents garage door in our first home until we moved, because I thought the message of familial love and support was so poignant. How my parents put up with me I’ll never know.

    Speaking of songs, and using that to speak of villains, “My Lullaby” should be considered one of Disney’s great villain songs, and Zira one of Disney’s great villains. I find her infinitely more intimidating than Scar, driven to madness and pure rage by grief and a deep sense of loathing and revenge. She’s abusive to her children, and things of nothing but avenging her mates death and retaking what she feels she is owed. Scar wants to be King because he feels he’d be better at it, and he resents his brother. Zira is not manipulative, Zira is one minded, and borderline insane. She turns her children into weapons, and teaches them to seek her approval at the risk of their own lives. Seriously, she is underrated and her song should be listed right along side those of the other great Disney villains.

    Honestly, what I appreciate about this movie most is that it adds to the lore of ‘The Lion King’ without taking anything away. The new characters are interesting, and the old characters either show growth, or are at least used in a way that doesn’t make them feel stagnant, paying tribute to what made them feel great in the first film while giving characters like Timon and Pumbaa a new purpose and a fresh coat of paint.

    Most of the original cast return as well, which is practically unheard of for a Straight-To-VHS-Sequel, and while the animation may not completely match that of a theatrical release it’s a lot closer than any of the others.

    It just…it does everything right. It’s Frozen 2 before Frozen 2 was a thing, and it honestly does the sequel to a huge box-office hit better than Frozen 2 does. I will watch this movie as much as I can, whenever I can, and I will never regret it. You should too, especially if you’re a fan of the original.

    Bob wanted to rank this movie as an animated film, but it isn’t. It’s a Straight-To-VHS-Sequel. So. We compromised. He gets a little note at the end of each sequel post.

Bob’s Notes:

    This movie is better than Fantasia, and at times better than the first Lion King.

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