Avengers August

    We wanted to watch Marvel movies, really, really badly. We wanted to watch Iron Man. Spider-Man. All the “mans”. So we decided we would make August “Avengers August”. And we were excited.

    And then we sat with it too long, which almost always spells disaster for Bob and I.

    With the inclusion of the multiverse, we know pondered, does that make every movie ever made that uses a Marvel character “canon”. Howard the Duck appears in Guardians of the Galaxy, the Fantastic Four are in the newest Doctor Strange film, and Disney has said that the Deadpool series is now considered canon. So if we really want to watch all the Avengers related films, doesn’t that mean that we have to watch them all?

    The answer was yes.

    But what if they’re not on Disney+?!

    Are they canon?


    So; unless we really power through these films we might be lucky to get to the first Iron Man film by the end of the month, and then have to wait another year – unless one of us is nice and picks a Marvel film (which we’ve both already agreed with have to be viewed in order).

    There’s not really going to be a lot of Avengers in “Avengers August” but Bob did get to delay Pollyanna by another month.

    This is also important to note, not all Marvel movies are owned by Disney. Some are on Netflix, Prime, and some we’ll even have to rent off of YouTube as our only option here in the Frozen North. Now, we will rank every Marvel movie against each other – because Marvel movies are, like Pixar, their own beast at this point. But not all Marvel movies will make it to the Master List. See, that project is about the ranking of every Disney+ film, and it kind of skews everything to add non-Disney owned films. So some may make one list and not the other, and that’s okay, because it’s our marathon, and we make the completely arbitrary rules.

    Come join us as we regret our life decisions and try our best to power through what will inevitably be just a lot, a lot, of very mediocre super hero movies.

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