Sharks vs Dolphins: Bahamas Battleground

Release Date: July 2, 2023

Watch Date: May 26 – May 31, 2024

“In The Bahamas, more than 30 percent of dolphins have shark bite scars. With a never-before-seen non-toxic gel bite pad and life-sized dolphin decoy, Dr. Mike Heithaus and Dr. Valeria Paz collect bite impressions from three shark species that might be the predators. Bites from bull sharks, tiger sharks, and great hammerheads up to 14-feet long are compared to scars photographed on dolphins.”

   Sometimes sharks attack dolphins.

   It’s usually big sharks that do it.

   Sometimes your kids won’t let you watch what is happening because they think it will upset their mom, and their dad is too busy panicking about the popcorn mess to pay much attention.

   If dolphins are alone, or not able to escape, or are in water with fewer normal prey, sharks will attack dolphins.

   That’s all.

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