
Once Upon A Time…

     There was a couple, they were married, had two kids. A pretty good life, by any stretch of the imagination. They were happy. And they both loved Disney movies. Then one day, they go to discussing all the Disney movies they had ever seen, and started lamenting the ones the other hadn’t. After much discussion and debate, they realized, why not just watch them all? After all Disney+ is a thing, is it not? And it should, for all intents and purposes, have all of the Disney movies. 

    So began the adventure.

    Because look, when you love Disney as much as we do, when it mattered as much to our childhoods, when it’s something we’ve bonded over as much as we have…there’s no reason not to do it.

    Of course now we have Star, and National Geographic, and Hulu…and we’re going to be doing this marathon for a very long time. We do theme months, and we try to annoy each other with movies during our free pick. But that’s half the fun!

    So here we go. Off to have an adventure! Sometimes our kids will tag along, sometimes they won’t. We’ll write about our family, and our lives, and definitely our opinions on movies. Sometimes we’ll hate it, sometimes we’ll drag our feet through the entire film, but we’ll do it, we’ll watch them all.

    Someone has to. It might as well be us.

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