Sharks vs Dolphins: Bahamas Battleground

"In The Bahamas, more than 30 percent of dolphins have shark bite scars. With a never-before-seen non-toxic gel bite pad and life-sized dolphin decoy, Dr. Mike Heithaus and Dr. Valeria Paz collect bite impressions from three shark species that might be the predators. Bites from bull sharks, tiger sharks, and great hammerheads up to 14-feet long are compared to scars photographed on dolphins."

Shark vs Whale

"A routine drone survey turns deadly when Ryan Johnson, a marine biologist, films a humpback whale being attacked and drowned by a great white shark. The never-before-seen behavior causes a complete perspective shift on a creature Johnson has spent his life studying, prompting him to follow humpback whales on their migration and map places that may make them vulnerable."

Shark Below Zero

"White sharks have been spotted across Canada as far north as the coast of Newfoundland. After the first suspected white shark attack in Canada for over 150 years, experts Greg Skomal, Heather Bowlby, Megan Winton & Warren Joyce, investigate what drives white shark's journey to the very Northern limit of their range."

World’s Greatest Dogs

"Athletic, playful and loving, our canine companions are extraordinary animals. From acrobatics to breathtaking stunts, skateboarding to riding a scooter, and rope jumping to surfing, this special celebrates amazing dogs and their dedicated owners, and reveals how some underdogs turned from rejected puppy to thriving star."

Before the Flood

"From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Fisher Stevens and Academy Award-winning actor, environmental activist and U.N. Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio, Before the Flood presents a riveting account of the dramatic changes occurring around the world due to climate change, as well as the actions we as individuals and as a society can take to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet."

Egypt’s Treasure Guardians

"Egypt is home to many of the most famous archaeological treasures on Earth. But over the last five years, Egypt has suffered a tumultuous revolution and tourist members have plummeted. This programme follows a select cast of individuals, determined to bring Egypt back from the brink: to discover more of Egypt's history, to keep its heritage safe and to get tourists to visit the country again."

Mega Hammerhead

"Dr. Neil Hammerschlag and his team of researchers are setting off on a quest to learn more about this mysterious shark, as well as search for the most elusive of them all, the massive Great Hammerhead, a shark that can grow up to 20-ft in length and can weigh over 1,000 pounds."

Drain the Ocean: World War II

"World War II saw an enormous loss of ships and lives at sea. Now, new undersea surveys and 3-D imaging allow the waters to be 'drained' away and these sunken wrecks to be examined in detail. From the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor's shallows, to Nazi super-ship Bismarck 3 miles down, to the Allies' D-Day landing and troopship Leopoldville, long-hidden secrets of the deep are revealed."

In Beaver Valley

"Another of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures features a glimpse of nature's own engineer hard at work in the wild. A young male beaver finds himself the head of his own family after successfully wooing a female and her kit, then quickly goes to work building a suitable home before winter arrives. Pressure mounts as a hungry coyote sets his sights on the young family, and a rollicking bevy of playful river otters threatens to derail construction. This 1950 Academy Award-winning short also includes the ill-fated journey of Salmon returning to lay their eggs and a musical interlude featuring the 'soulful serenade of the lovelorn frogs.'"

Mafia Confidential

"Toto Riina was, without a doubt, one of the most ferocious and ruthless Mafia bosses of all time - more than living up to his nicknames, "The Beast" and "The Boss of The Bosses." This fascinating new biography charts his story from poverty-stricken beginnings to head of the Cosa Nostra - via a route littered with crime and indiscriminate murder - to his capture in 1993 and his death behind bars last year. Key episodes and events in his life are revisited through the people who have known, feared or fought him. These include a senior prosecutor in charge of the State-Mafia Pact, his one-time closest aide and trusted driver, a female photographer who became a target, a detective and the wife of one of his victims."

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