Spooky Season

    Welcome to Bob's favorite time of year!     Now it doesn't really seem fair that he's going to get to have all of October to enjoy his favorite genre of movies, and then all of November to have his own picks - but it's also not his fault that that's when his... Continue Reading →

Avengers August

August is here - and with it a fun new theme that we definitely won't regret! Take a second to read about our expectations for Avengers August!

The Rules

     So here it goes, if you're going to make a marathon of as large a scope as we plan to (there's 1460 movies or specials on Disney+ with more added weekly) then you need some rules. Otherwise, it's just complete and utter chaos. After some hours of discussion, Bob and I have fine... Continue Reading →

In the Beginning

 Once Upon A Time...      There was a couple, they were married, had two kids. A pretty good life, by any stretch of the imagination. They were happy. And they both loved Disney movies. Then one day, they go to discussing all the Disney movies they had ever seen, and started lamenting the ones... Continue Reading →

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