National Geographic

1. LA 92

2. Before the Flood

3. Hubble’s Cosmic Journey

4. 9/11 The Plane That Hit The Pentagon

5. Jane

6. Drain the Ocean: World War II

7. The Lost City of Machu Picchu

8. Mega Hammerhead

9. How Dogs Lost Their Shapes

10. Wild Japan: Snow Monkeys

11. George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview

12. Mafia Confidential

13. The Kangaroo King

14. Shark Below Zero

15. Miracle Landing on the Hudson

16. Drugs, Inc: Dealer POV

17. Winged Seduction: Birds of Paradise

18. Sharks of Lost Island

19. Cesar Milan: The Real Story

20. My 9/11

21. Journey to Shark Eden

22. Egypt’s Treasure Guardians

23. Stonehenge Decoded

24. Sharks vs Dolphins: Bahamas Battleground

25. Sharks vs Dolphins: Blood Battle

26. Sharks vs Whales

27. Mission Pluto

28. World’s Greatest Dogs

29. Million Dollar Moon Rock Heist

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