LA 92

"Twenty-five years after the verdict in the Rodney King trial sparked several days of protests, violence and looting in Los Angeles, LA 92 immerses viewers in that tumultuous period through stunning and rarely seen archival footage. Produced by two-time Oscar winner Simon Chinn and Emmy winner Jonathan Chinn and directed by Oscar winners Dan Lindsay and TJ Martin, the film looks at the events of 1992 from a multitude of vantage points, bringing a fresh perspective to a pivotal moment that reverberates to this day."

Sharks vs Dolphins: Blood Battle

"They've shared the ocean for millennia, but scientists have only just begun to understand the complex relationship between sharks and dolphins. Sharks vs. Dolphins follows a team of experts as they travel to the epicenter of this savage struggle - Shark Bay, Australia - to unlock the secrets of shark and dolphin combat using new research and cutting-edge technology."

The Lost City of Machu Picchu

"High in the Peruvian Andes lies the ancient city of Machu Picchu, a lost city of doorways and passages that hint at the ghosts of its past. Who were the mysterious people who built it and why? The answers lie below the surface, and mummy kings wait to share their stories. But will these revelations finally lay the ghosts of Machu Picchu to rest?"

9/11 The Plane That Hit The Pentagon

"On September 11, 2001, one hundred and eighty-four innocent people lost their lives at the Pentagon. It is a fact that is fading from our collective memory. Today, it's not uncommon to find people who don't know that the Pentagon was even a target - let alone the huge number of casualties. Though they helped define a generation, the individual acts of bravery and heroism that took place at the Pentagon are still relatively unknown. This documentary delivers the most complete and largely untold story of what happened behind the walls of one of America's most secretive buildings on September 11, 2001, the day that forever changed the world."

Hubble's Cosmic Journey

"Since it's launch in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has captured thousands of stunning images of space, revolutionized our understanding of the universe and become a global icon. To mark it's 25th anniversary, National Geographic Channel tells the definitive story of NASA's most successful science project ever, in Hubble's Cosmic Journey, narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson."

The Kangaroo King

"Big Red - one kangaroo's epic battle against the outback. The parched central deserts of the red heartland of Australia are home to the toughest kangaroo on the planet - the mighty Red. Above all, this is a story of survival against the odds and what it takes to endure drought, heatwave, and bushfire. Red struggles to prove his strength, not only against others of his kind, but against the very land itself."

Mission Pluto

"National Geographic Channel joins top scientists at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in conjunction with NASA on a historic mission to the edge of our solar system with the goal of capturing the first clear images and data ever recorded of Pluto."

How Dogs Got Their Shapes

"With many breeds and countless variations, canines are one of the most diverse species on Earth. From ears to tails, coats to paws, every part of their bodies is uniquely structured to serve a purpose. How Dogs Got Their Shapes shines a light on a variety of canine shapes to explain how each aspect plays a pivotal role in the evolution, history and behavior of distinct dog breeds."

Miracle Landing on the Hudson

"Miracle Landing on the Hudson tells the dramatic true story of the frightening and ultimately triumphant emergency landing of Flight 1549 in the Hudson River. Featuring intimate and emotive interviews as well as large-scale dramatic reconstructions, the film reveals details from passengers and crew, and shows that the crash itself was merely the beginning of their fight for survival."

Wild Japan: Snow Monkeys

"Journey deep into the snow-bound mountains of central Japan and meet Hiro, a spunky young snow monkey whose charming personality sparks an unlikely friendship. Join Hiro and his extended family on a year-long adventure as they brave fierce storms, experience the birth of new life, and face the tragedy of death. It's an intimate, immersive tale of family, friendship, and strife in the heart of the Japanese Alps."

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