Egypt’s Treasure Guardians

"Egypt is home to many of the most famous archaeological treasures on Earth. But over the last five years, Egypt has suffered a tumultuous revolution and tourist members have plummeted. This programme follows a select cast of individuals, determined to bring Egypt back from the brink: to discover more of Egypt's history, to keep its heritage safe and to get tourists to visit the country again."

Drain the Ocean: World War II

"World War II saw an enormous loss of ships and lives at sea. Now, new undersea surveys and 3-D imaging allow the waters to be 'drained' away and these sunken wrecks to be examined in detail. From the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor's shallows, to Nazi super-ship Bismarck 3 miles down, to the Allies' D-Day landing and troopship Leopoldville, long-hidden secrets of the deep are revealed."

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